This travel blog is all about micro adventures nearby...

Have you ever considered Belgium or one of its neighbouring countries as your next travel destination? No? Well, that might change!

No need to wait on your next 2-week holiday, just go tomorrow! With the tips on this blog I help you save precious time on travel planning nearby so you can escape your busy life in no time. 

So who’s talking to you right now?

My name is Emma (you probably already guessed that!) and I’m a PR Consultant from Belgium bitten by the travel bug!

After living in Canada for some months during my studies in Business Economics, I decided it was time to share my adventures online.

I’ve traveled since I was 6 years old, carrying a camera with me since I was 8 and photographing every little corner of every city I went to (can you imagine?!). Since I got a taste of living abroad, there’s only 1 goal in my life: traveling and discovering as much as possible!

In 2020, when all borders closed, I started exploring Belgium

After all, sitting still at home was not an option for me. From my first trip in my own country, Belgium amazed me immensely. In fact, I did not know my own country and had no idea what beautiful places could be found there. After all, you don’t have to travel far to have a great experience.

For four years I have been travelling non-stop around Belgium and its neighbouring countries to find the most unique places. After all, I am not easily satisfied with an average destination. I want it to be as special and unusual as possible! Whether it’s a gigantic cosy cabin in the woods or an insane hike with a wide view, these are exactly the places I look for.

Will you join me on this journey?

I’m sharing all of my experiences in Belgium and abroad with you on this blog, but also on Instagram, TikTok and my brand-new Dutch website Follow along to get sneak peeks of where I’m heading to next!

Happy traveling,

Emma <3

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