How to have a staycation at home – 30 excellent ideas

Do you need to pay thousands of dollars/euros for a faraway vacation in a faraway country?

Definitely not.

These days, going on vacation simply won’t happen in the near future. But don’t worry, staying home can be as fun as going abroad! (and MUCH cheaper)

Now you might be wondering: okay, a vacation at home, but won’t I get bored? How can I have a staycation at home?

Well, with the inspiration provided below you won’t be bored a single minute! With these 30 tips for a staycation at home you’ll have enough inspiration for at least 2 weeks of staycation!

Not yet convinced?

Reasons you should have a staycation at home

First of all, you’ll save tons of money! Think about all the dollars/euros you otherwise spend by going abroad: 500, 1000 or 10 000? That’s a whole damn lot!

By saving this money you might be able to invest in something you always wanted to invest in but for which it was never actually the right time.

Moreover, you don’t need to plan anything if you don’t want to!

Planning a holiday abroad can be extremely stressful. At least for me. You have to book flights, hotels, taxis, figure out what to do once your there… there’s an endless list of things to take into account.

But nobody says you have to do anything on your staycation at home. Not feeling like planning anything? Then just stay home and take a nap!

However, if you want to make your staycation the best vacation ever, I suggest you look up at least some ideas. You don’t want to get bored!

Also, a staycation can be as cheap or as expensive as you want. It all depends on what you like! If you don’t want to spend a dollar, then don’t! If you want to make this the most luxurious staycation ever, you can spend as much as you like!

It’s all up to you! If you’re a planner, try to think of a budget for your staycation. It will be extremely motivating since you’ll spend waaaaay less than on a usual vacation!

Now it’s time to give you some inspiration! Let’s dive into it!

24 free staycation activities

Below I’ll list for you the 24 best FREE staycation activities!

#1: travel in stories

Yes, read a good book! Whether it is a travel guide or a story that is set in another country, go for it!

Books have the capability to transform the words in our own imagination into something wonderful. When the story is set in Cuba, you’ll feel and experience the trip as if you were in that country!

#2: films in exotic countries

The same thing I told you about books! Movies will take you to a different country instantly. Documentaries, rom coms and even James Bond! They are all set in beautiful countries.

#3: facetime with a friend abroad

You actually can visit other countries… by skype! Go find one of the friends you made on a trip and give them a videocall. They will be surprised and happy to see you!

There is no better way of experiencing a country than by bonding with locals!

#4: learn a new language

learn a new language

These days, a lot of free resources exist to learn another language. My absolute favourite is Duolingo!

This website/app will teach you a language in no-time.

They provided language classes for beginners in whatever language you can imagine! Even nonexisting languages have a course!

I’ve been using this app for several years now and I have it seen developing from basic language classes to translation help, interactive sessions and a resource for schools.

The best thing is, it’s completely FREE. Not just one lesson, like most services do, but everything! I use it for learning Spanish and I haven’t paid a thing over all those years.

The mission of the company is to keep learning a language free for everyone and they succeed!

Of course, they offer subscriptions but only if you want the ads removed or support their mission.

Another great platform to learn how to speak a language is Italki. Here you can book one-on-one lessons with language teachers from all around the world which are mostly very budget-friendly.

I’ve been learning Spanish for a while now with an Italki teacher and love it!

#5: try exotic recipes

I’m quite convinced that I’ll be a cooking princess when isolation is over. Yes, really! I discovered a new hobby: cooking!

The number one reason you visit a country is food, right? (Okay, might not be number one but still a very important reason ;).) Thus why not get some of that flavour coming to you!

Look up some great recipes of cultures you love or you always wanted to visit and start cooking! The first-time try might not be a big success but you’ll bring the atmosphere to your dinner table!

Or check out the recipes on my blog!

#6: read travel blogs!

Why not?

It’s not because you can’t travel you can’t read stories about beautiful places! Come in the travel mood and read the experiences of other people!

#7: enjoy a picnic

picnic staycation at home

The concept is pretty simple.

You prepare a basket full of delicious food, you find a spot in your garden, in the forest, on the beach… wherever and you have a lovely meal!

You only have to make sure to prepare everything beforehand so you can enjoy your picnic to the fullest!

This picnic can be as basic or luxurious as you want to make it. Just toast? Fine. Champagne? Also fine!

#8: go geocaching

Ever heard of geocaching? This extremely popular activity is fun for children as well as for adults!

Everywhere in the world geocaches are hidden. Yes, everywhere! I’m sure they are hidden in your neighbourhood!

Download the app, sign in and start your search for hidden gems! On every geocache you find you can write your name and date and log it into the app. Some are hard to find, some are easy.

But a lot of fun is guaranteed!

#9: camping in your own backyard

camping on a vacation at home

This follows the same logic as the picnic: get your stuff, find a nice spot to put up your tent and have fun!

Something to make it more exciting: make a rule that going inside is not allowed for 24 hours! See how you can survival!

#10: provide each other with breakfast in bed

For some people, luxury and a vacation is not having to do anything yourself.

Make an agreement with your partner that each will prepare breakfast on a different day and serve each other!

#11: unplug

During a vacation, you don’t want emails coming in or colleagues calling you with an ‘urgent’ case.

Thus, you don’t want to be bothered with that on your staycation either!

You can even completely turn off your phone for a few days and skip the newspaper. No depressing news needed! Only relaxation!

#12: take photos

In order to be able to revise the highlights of your trip, you take photos along the way. So why not do this for your staycation too?

Get your camera out and capture all the fun and relaxing moments! After your vacation, plan a moment to go over these pictures and laugh about the memories!

#13: take your time

You are on staycation, so don’t hurry.

Grocery shopping? Can be done tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow…

Also, don’t hurry to get somewhere.

Foremost, get lots of sleep, take your time for your planned activities. After all, you’ll have a whole vacation of time!

#14: skip the news

newspaper vacation at home

Newspapers can be full of depressing stuff. Economic crisis? Not important right now. Virus outbreak? Just forget it for a few days.

Sometimes, not knowing about something can give you a peace of mind.

#15: play exotic music

What is better to get in the vacation mood than to play some exotic music? Set those relaxing sounds on replay or just throw a little party for your household!

#16: take a yoga class

Nothing is as relaxing as yoga! Online, a lot of free (and paid) yoga classes are available. Find a kind of yoga you enjoy and attain ultimate relaxation by following a class!

#17: exercise

sporting vacation at home

We all know that physical movement is the best medicine against stress.

So did you have a stressful workweek? Don’t panic, you’re on staycation now! Start creating some healthy habits and go for a run. Sport all those frustrations away!

#18: simply do nothing

Nobody has to tell you to do something. It’s staycation! You can do whatever you want! This includes nothing.

Plan a day of nothing whenever you like!

#19: sleep in another room

Do you want to get more of a vacation feeling and do you have a spare room in your house?

Switch rooms! You’ll feel like a guest in your own house!

If you don’t have any rooms left in your house you can try to switch rooms with your housemates.

#20: Swap houses!

Is your own house still too familiar for a staycation? Then swap houses with a friend!

You’ll have the immediate feeling of being on vacation while just staying in your neighbourhood! Just make sure you clean up so your friend still wants to be friends with you afterwards ;).

#21: barbecue!

barbecue staycation at home

What do we do when the weather is nice? Have a barbecue!

Buy yourself some meat and put it on the barbecue! This will certainly bring you in the vacation mood!

#22: skip the laundry or household tasks

Who says you have to do the laundry this week? Who says you can’t skip the dishes for a moment? Who says the grass in your garden is too long?

Just skip all household tasks for a little moment until your vacation is over. Focus on the fun stuff!

#23: volunteer

Too much time? Give back to your community by volunteering at a local organisation. I’m sure there are plenty of organisations who could use your help!

You’ll meet new friends and be surprised how rewarding volunteering can be!

#24: have a movie night or sleepover

Friends and movies, the perfect combination! Have some friends come over for a movie marathon and make it cosy! Candles, scents, wine… make it the perfect night!

Of course, in isolation it is not recommended to let friends come over but these days apps exist where you can watch movies together with your friends while all being apart! Netflix Party is one of them.

More expensive ideas for your staycation at home

Below I have listed some activities for your staycation at home that require at least a minimal amount of money.

#25: wine tasting with friends… (at home)

Enjoy some wine, some cheese and some delicious food…

Go to a wine store and pick yourself some bottles of unknown wine. Search for the wine critic inside you and taste them all! Have some friends come over or (in quarantine times) call them on a video call!

In case of an online wine tasting: buy the same wine so you can compare!

(Just so you know: I do not recommend drinking multiple bottles of wine by yourself on one night. You can have another wine tastings at a later moment ;).)

#26: have a spa day

Nothing is better than filling your bath, throwing in a bath bomb and enjoying the steam while sipping from a glass of bubbles… so why not do it at home?

You might not have a sauna, but a warm bath with some candles on the sides and nice music playing can be as relaxing!

Don’t give in on luxury and allow yourself a glass of wine or bubbles!

Other ideas include: giving your partner a (foot) massage, applying a face mask and just taking care of your body in general.

#27: sightseeing in your own town

Do you want to see something but not go too far? Visit something in your own town. This might be a small museum, architecture or just taking a walk and discovering streets you haven’t walked in before!

#28: take an online class

painting on your staycation at home

Spare time on your staycation? Take up a new skill! Painting, drawing or even coding websites! Nothing is too crazy to learn.

#29: buy things you usually don’t buy

Go online shopping, buy guilty pleasure food you otherwise don’t allow yourself to buy, or invest the money you don’t spend on a faraway holiday on a new couch!

Whatever makes your staycation feel more special!

#30: have dinner delivered

The benefit of going on vacation is that you don’t need to cook or plan meals!

So for your staycation at home, don’t just cook every night but go out to a restaurant or stay lazy (it’s permitted on staycation!) and order some delicious food!

Ready for your staycation at home?

I hope you’re convinced that the possibilities for a staycation at home are endless!

You can do whatever you like and most important: take your time and relax!

Besides my own inspiration, some inspiration in this post is coming from The Kitchn, Huffpost, Real Simple and wikiHow which I gladly credit for their excellent ideas!

Not sure about your vacation plans in corona-times? Figure out what to do here.

In desperate need of even more inspiration? Read more about

Happy staycation!

How to have a staycation at home

15 thoughts on “How to have a staycation at home – 30 excellent ideas”

  1. I love this! My partner and I have recently gotten into geocaching! It’s sooo much fun! We have explored so much of Toronto because of it!

    Lots of great tips here 🙂

  2. Great post! I really don’t think you HAVE to travel to learn about the world or whatever. I love finding music and organizations from other countries. Swapping houses is an interesting idea!

  3. These are great ideas! My husband and I like to travel, but we’ve recently purchased a home and have some other expenses that have come up, so needless to say we won’t be planning any big vacations any time soon. Your ideas are a great way to still get to enjoy some time “away” from the norm! 🙂

  4. Love your post. I have not only been creating staycations but have been reminiscing about vacations and staycations I have experienced. Can’t way til I can feel safe about getting back on the road.

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