Belgium Hotspots Map

200+ unique places in Belgium you should visit

How to visit epic places in Belgium without any research

In the Belgium Hotspots Map you’ll find more than 200 unique places in Belgium you should absolutely see. Simply open the map, check the locations that are closest to you and pick the one you like. This is how you easily plan your next trip in Belgium in only 1 minute! The best part? Most people don’t even know these places!

Belgium is ugly right?

I get it, 5 years ago I used to be that person who would flee as far as possible away from Belgium. As long as my next travel destination was outside of our country, I would be happy. Because Belgium is ugly and rainy right?! I hadn’t even thought 1 minute about the possibility of planning a trip inside Belgium’s borders. Until world events forced me to do so. In 2020, we couldn’t even travel outside of our own country, so I was forced to plan my little escapes inside of Belgium. This is when everything changed.

Suddenly I saw Belgium for what it really was, a wonderful country to live in and explore! I discovered nature reserves that made me feel like I was visiting other parts of the world, views that blew me away and castles so charming they could have come straight out of a fairytale. The crazy part? Most people I talked to didn’t even know these existed! That just blew my mind.

Secret places no one tells you about

Maybe you’re wondering what could possibly be worth visiting in Belgium. Let me tell you, Belgium is so much more than beer and rain. We have towers with magnificent views, cosy cabins hidden in the forests, hiking trails to stunning waterfalls and ancient ruins that take you back in time several centuries.

Of course, it takes a lot of time to find all of these. Because where do you even begin? Scrolling the internet for hours and hours, reading every single website you can find? Or hoping you’ll hop into something interesting on Instagram? Just maybe you’ll find an interesting place to visit next weekends.

Haverwerf in Mechelen
Reinhardstein castle

No more endless scrolling for inspiration

What if I told you it’s much easier than this? That you don’t need to spend hours searching the internet. That you can simply open 1 digital map and filter on the places you like the most. That you can see in a few seconds which cool places are located only 10 minutes away from you. Only to hop in your car and drive there just one minute later. That’s exactly how my Belgium Hotspots Map can help you!

200+ unique places in Belgium you should visit (and most people don’t even know them!)

What you’ll get:

  • 200+ unique places in Belgium pinned on 1 Google Maps
  • a map that can be added to your own Google Maps account so you can access it on any of your devices whenever you want
  • categories to filter on the activity of your choice: hiking? check! castles? check! cabin in the woods? check!
  • each of the more than 200 pins comes with a description, picture and link to book or find more information

Save countless hours searching the internet for your next trip in Belgium. Instead of sitting behind a screen on your Saturday morning trying to figure out where to go, you simply open the map, check the locations that are closest to you and pick one.

Easily done in only a minute! So instead of wasting your morning researching, you can just hop in your car and have fun.

All of this for only the price of 2 coffees! 🤯

Belgium Hotspots Map

Save hours of time

I already discovered the most beautiful places in Belgium for you, so why not make use of that? With the map you:

  • gain inspiration for at least an entire year
  • always have the tips in your pocket
  • have all the necessary information in 1 place
  • find something to do wherever you are in Belgium (at max. 15 minute drive!)
  • be the first to find places others don’t know about
  • avoid tourists & crowds

If you don't believe me...

Believe the more than 1.500 people who already bought the Belgium Hotspots Map and are using it to plan their next trips in Belgium.

In total, the Belgium Hotspots Map has been used over 336.000 times. This blows my mind! 😍

Why am I offering this?

As Belgians we often don’t see the beauty of our own country. We always complain how bad the weather is, how terrible the roads are and how much taxes we have to pay. But we never actually look at our own country as a wonderful place to live and explore.

My mission is to show you the beauty that’s already right in front of your nose. To help you see that Belgium in fact is a wonderful travel destination. And that you can find many hidden gems so close to your door!

With this mission I won the first ever Bisou Award for influencers in the category ‘Travel & Adventure’. 😍

What others say about the Belgium Hotspots Map?

The price of 2 coffees

You might call me crazy. The tips I’m sharing in the map are at least worth €50 but… I’m selling my biggest discoveries and all these tips that took me 5 years to collect for only €9,95. 🤯

Questions you might have

I don’t have a car, can I still visit these places?

Even if you don’t have a car you can easily check through Google Maps how long it would take to get there by public transport. Some places are easily reachable, others are a bit more difficult.

How do I get access to the map?

When you place your order you’ll receive a detailed pdf guide on how to install the map, this takes only 30 seconds! You simply click the link and the map will be automatically added to your Google account. Which means you’ll be able to access the map on any device whenever you want.

Is there also a Dutch or French version of the map? 

Yes! There is also a Dutch version of the map. Unfortunately there is not yet a French version. When you buy the map you automatically get access to both the English and Dutch one.

My guarantee: all future updates for free

I continue to add places every month so I might increase the price of the map in the future. But this is my personal guarantee to you: when buying the map now you get access to all my future updates at no extra cost! 

14 reviews for Belgium Hotspots Map

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Wim Valgaeren (verified owner)

    A great starting point for planning a weekend trip!

  2. Rated 5 out of 5

    Tom Vanhoutte (verified owner)

    Emma’s travel map is a hidden gem for wanderlust seekers. Packed with insider highlights and hiking trails, it’s a journey curated by a passionate explorer. Emma’s descriptions offer valuable insights, making it a must-visit for travelers. We look forward to you continuing to update the map with future discoveries !
    Thanks, Emma, for sharing your adventures !

  3. Rated 5 out of 5

    Steven (verified owner)

    After there was a login issue with the Google Family, I was able to enjoy the nice places in Belgium that I already knew and definitely want to explore. Definitely a highly recommended one.

  4. Rated 5 out of 5

    Fabiana (verified owner)

    I loved Emma’s map! I am discovering many stunning gems I had no idea existed. Highly recommended 🙂

  5. Rated 5 out of 5

    Mohammad Rida RECHCHAD (verified owner)

    I highly recommend this map.
    I firstly downloaded for hiking trails but now when I see what’s on Emma’s map I think I can use it for everything. It’s very easy to use.
    Thank you Emma for this

  6. Rated 5 out of 5

    Lisa (verified owner)

    Keihandig, je ziet meteen wat in de buurt is. Er staat ook wat uitleg bij elke spot. Ik kijk ook uit naar de updates ????

  7. Rated 5 out of 5

    Vishnu (verified owner)

    This map is exactly what I needed to plan fun and interesting holidays in Belgie!!
    Thanks a lot Emma!

    It really is a great resource and Emma has been my GO TO for a whole so getting the map was a no brainer

  8. Rated 5 out of 5

    Kris Demuelenaere (verified owner)

    I am a wanderer myself, always on the road when I have time, to search for beautiful places and take photographs. Many places I already know, but I’m always interested in additional infornmation and with this map I found very much information and good tips, neatly organised. I always love maps, this is great work, I will use it lots of times, very interested in any new discoveries. Thanks for your enthousiasm and great work!

  9. Rated 5 out of 5

    Henri Apell (verified owner)

    I really love this map. It helps me a lot to discover Belgium, and I’m looking forward to seeing Hallerbos. Easy to install!

  10. Rated 5 out of 5

    Fabrizio (verified owner)

    This map is a dream!
    I live in Belgium since 2020 but it’s very hard find all this beautiful place. Thanks for this amazing work!

  11. Rated 5 out of 5

    Florence (verified owner)

    Easy to purchase and install.
    There are a lot of interesting places on the map and there is something for everyone.
    Can’t wait to start exploring!

  12. Rated 5 out of 5

    Meert Danny (verified owner)

    Ik heb me zowel de hotspots kaart als de 25 Beste Wandelingen en 25 Verborgen Pareltjes in Belgiē aangeschaft. Wat een Huzarenwerk om deze bron aan informatie zo gedetailleerd te bundelen en dat voor een zacht prijsje. Bedankt Emma. Ideaal als verjaardag, kerst of zo maar geschenkje!!!

  13. Rated 5 out of 5

    Meert Danny (verified owner)

    Ik heb zowel de hotspotskaart als de 25 Beste Wandelingen en 25 Verborgen Pareltjes in België aangeschaft. Wat een Huzarenwerk om deze bron aan informatie zo groot te bundelen en dat voor een zacht prijsje. Bedankt Emma. Ideaal als verjaardag, kerst of zo maar geschenkje!!!

  14. Rated 5 out of 5

    André (verified owner)

    Amazing maps and points! Thank you

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No time to read the entire page?

No problem! The Belgium Hotspots Map helps you find all the hidden treasures in Belgium without hours of searching. In this interactive map, I’m delighted to show you all my favorite spots, including hiking tips, castles, breweries, abbeys, and dining spots. And the best news? You can access my map with Belgium’s best-kept secrets for €9.95

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