Sources Hike in Voeren: the most beautiful hike in Flanders

Or at least it is according to the iconic programme Vlaanderen Vakantieland. In 2012, they proclaimed the Sources Walk (or Bronnenwandeling) in Voeren the ‘most beautiful walk in Flanders’. And they may be right about that. This junction walk is a beautiful route along forests, fields, and over hills in the well-known Voeren region in Limburg. This is one that you should definitely not miss!

Practical Info:

  • Distance: 9 km
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Difficulty: medium
  • Start: VCCV Het Veltmanshuis in Sint-Martens-Voeren
  • Signs: Junctions 54 – 67 – 66 – 65 – 64 – 63 – 62 – 60 – 57 – 56 – 55 – 47 – 91 – 48 – 54

Starting in Sint-Martens-Voeren

The Sources Walk (or Bronnenwandeling) starts in the picturesque village of Sint-Martens-Voeren, close to VCCV Het Veltmanshuis, just opposite the kindergarten of Voeren. There are a number of parking spaces here to park your car for free, but you can also just park along the street. The hike starts with your back to the church, so you immediately walk out of the village. On to junction 67.

The Hiking Route

Only a few metres after the start of the hike you will encounter Bie Katrien. This lovely plant shop is actually also a tearoom and lunch place in one. Be sure to stop here after your hike for a refreshing drink and a delicious croque monsieur.

From the village road, you immediately turn right into a gravel path. Here you walk between the green leafy trees and the water that flows down the road. The route continues alternately between the woods and the fields in Voeren. After junction 67 you enter the Broekbos and walk on narrow forest paths. Once out of the forest, you arrive back in civilisation. Something fun, during my walk I passed a house where they had displayed young plants at the front door to take away.

After the Broekbos you walk into the Veurs valley between fields. But don’t worry, there is plenty of shelter from the sun! About halfway through the hike you will come across Jetteke’s Winkeltje. Until 2020, this was the smallest supermarket in Flanders, run by Jetteke. Now the house no longer serves as a supermarket, but regional products are sold. Be sure to try the typical Voeren pastilles or Bölkes.

After this you walk on a paved road past a number of typical half-timbered houses. If you are lucky you will also encounter a number of farm animals here that are open to a cuddle. Then you continue your way in the Veurs valley between the fields. Until you arrive at the commandery of Sint-Pieters-Voeren. This historic castle dates back to the Middle Ages but is now a breeding domain for trout. In the water basin around the castle you will find hundreds of fish swimming happily in the spring water of the Voer. Yes indeed, here you will find the source after which the Sources Hike is named!

You can visit the fish farm and also just walk around the castle. This is definitely recommended! Buy fresh trout here or sit down on the sunny terrace to enjoy a drink and/or delicious fish meal.

The rest of the hike then takes you all the way back to Sint-Martens-Voeren where it started. Along the way you walk further through the wide hilly landscape of Voeren and under a railway viaduct. The region has many of these viaducts. These were once placed here by the Germans during the First World War because they had to be able to easily transport goods to Antwerp. Since this was heavy goods traffic, the track had to run as straight as possible and so viaducts were placed over the valleys of the Voer region.

Tip: Once back in Voeren, go for a well-deserved stop at Bie Katrien or drive a little further to ‘t Bakhuis. Here you will find the most delicious ice cream sundaes and waffles. Ideal for a sweet indulgence!

Good to Know

  • Make sure you have sturdy walking shoes because most of the trails are unpaved.
  • Dogs can walk along without any problems.
  • Unfortunately, the route cannot be done with a buggy.
  • Make sure you have noted the nodes well in advance!

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